
Best twitch commands
Best twitch commands

best twitch commands

📡 You create a custom command with Nightbot leveraging UrlFetch and your newly-deployed API route.😎 You deploy your project to Vercel or Netlify for free.👨‍💻 You use Next.js's API routes support to build serverless backend microservice functions.Nightbot is free to use and takes less than 20 seconds to set up on your channel. 🤖 Your Twitch channel is running Nightbot, which supports custom API-based "UrlFetch" commands.I chose Next.js because a lot of similar non-bot-related feature work lived in the same Next.js project. In theory, this could be done using anything that lets you easily host an API endpoint without a server. After all, each bot command is just a function. However, after a few hours of initial work on this new project, I discovered it would be much easier to tackle the bot commands using modern serverless technologies. For previous projects, I've always spun up a custom server to manage the bot that was then deployed (at cost) to Heroku. This wasn't the first time I've done custom bot work on Twitch or Discord. The commands themselves required a lot of heavy lifting with the Google Sheets API - something that was the perfect candidate for a Node.js server. I recently worked on a side project that involved building custom chat commands for a bot on.

Best twitch commands